キーワード 「professional learning community」(ひとつの単語として)
ERIC #: EJ898190
Title: Impact of Professional Learning Community Participation on Teachers' Thinking about Classroom Problems
Authors: Padwad, Amol; Dixit, Krishna K.
Publication Date: 2008-12-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: TESL-EJ
Journal Citation: v12 n3 Dec 2008
Publisher: TESL-EJ. e-mail: editor@tesl-ej.org; Web site: http://tesl-ej.org
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ898190
Descriptors: Constructivism (Learning); Language Teachers; Professional Development; English (Second Language); Second Language Learning; Second Language Instruction; Teacher Attitudes; Foreign Countries; Professional Associations
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ898190
ERIC #: EJ896072
Title: Supervisor Transformation within a Professional Learning Community
Authors: Jacobs, Jennifer; Yendol-Hoppey, Diane
Publication Date: 2010-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: Teacher Education Quarterly
Journal Citation: v37 n2 p97-114 Spr 2010
Publisher: Caddo Gap Press. 3145 Geary Boulevard PMB 275, San Francisco, CA 94118. Tel: 415-666-3012; Fax: 415-666-3552; e-mail: caddogap@aol.com; Web site: http://www.caddogap.com
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ896072
Descriptors: Professional Development; Learning Activities; Interprofessional Relationship; Communities of Practice; Reflection; Supervisors; Field Experience Programs; Equal Education; Transformative Learning
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ896072
ERIC #: EJ837804
Title: Developing a Professional Learning Community among Urban School Principals
Authors: Hipp, Kristine Keifer; Weber, Paul
Publication Date: 2008-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Journal Name: Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research
Journal Citation: v4 p46-56 2008
Publisher: AERA SIG: Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research. Tel: 323-343-4393; Web site: http://aera-ultr.org
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ837804
Descriptors: Urban Schools; Grants; Instructional Leadership; Principals; Professional Development; Academic Achievement; Portfolios (Background Materials)
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ837804
ERIC #: EJ810651
Title: Critical and Transformative Practices in Professional Learning Communities
Authors: Servage, Laura
Publication Date: 2008-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: Teacher Education Quarterly
Journal Citation: v35 n1 p63-77 Win 2008
Publisher: Caddo Gap Press. 3145 Geary Boulevard PMB 275, San Francisco, CA 94118. Tel: 415-666-3012; Fax: 415-666-3552; e-mail: caddogap@aol.com; Web site: http://www.caddogap.com
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ810651
Descriptors: Learning Theories; Critical Theory; Interpersonal Communication; Transformative Learning; Professional Development; Learning Strategies; Community; Educational Environment; Teacher Collaboration; Educational Improvement; Foreign Countries; Models; Teacher Improvement
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ810651
ERIC #: EJ913876
Title: "The Teacher Education Conversation": A Network of Cooperating Teachers
Authors: Nielsen, Wendy S.; Triggs, Valerie; Clarke, Anthony; Collins, John
Publication Date: 2010-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Education
Journal Citation: v33 n4 p837-868 2010
Publisher: Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). 260 Dalhousie Street Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 7E4, Canada. Tel: 613-241-0018; Fax: 613-241-0019; e-mail: csse-scee@csse.ca; Web site: http://www.csse.ca/CJE/General.htm
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ913876
Descriptors: Foreign Countries; Cooperating Teachers; Teacher Educators; Communities of Practice; Preservice Teacher Education; Faculty Development; Systems Approach; Student Teaching
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ913876
ERIC #: EJ843992
Title: Who Is the "Professional" in a Professional Learning Community? An Exploration of Teacher Professionalism in Collaborative Professional Development Settings
Authors: Servage, Laura
Publication Date: 2009-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Education
Journal Citation: v32 n1 p149-171 2009
Publisher: Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). 260 Dalhousie Street Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 7E4, Canada. Tel: 613-241-0018; Fax: 613-241-0019; e-mail: csse-scee@csse.ca; Web site: http://www.csse.ca/CJE/General.htm
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ843992
Descriptors: Models; Faculty Development; Discourse Communities; Teaching (Occupation); Literature Reviews; Knowledge Base for Teaching; Teaching Methods; Critical Theory; Learning Activities; Teacher Role
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ843992
ERIC #: EJ775771
Title: Professional Learning Communities: A Bandwagon, an Idea Worth Considering, or Our Best Hope for High Levels of Learning?
Authors: DuFour, Richard
Publication Date: 2007-09-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Opinion Papers
Journal Name: Middle School Journal
Journal Citation: v39 n1 p4-8 Sep 2007
Publisher: National Middle School Association. 4151 Executive Parkway Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081. Tel: 800-528-6672; Tel: 800-528-6672; Fax: 614-895-4750; e-mail: info@nmsa.org; Web site: http://www.nmsa.org/Publications/MiddleSchoolJournal/tabid/435/Default.aspx
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ775771
Descriptors: Program Effectiveness; Educational Change; Faculty Development; Middle Schools; Educational Improvement; Formative Evaluation; Teacher Collaboration
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ775771
ERIC #: EJ849815
Title: Teachers Talking Together: The Power of Professional Community
Authors: Nathan, Linda
Publication Date: 2008-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Journal Name: Horace
Journal Citation: v24 n1 Spr 2008
Publisher: Coalition of Essential Schools. 1330 Broadway Suite 600, Oakland, CA 94612. Tel: 510-433-1451; Fax: 510-433-1455; Web site: http://www.essentialschools.org
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ849815
Descriptors: Community Schools; Faculty Development; Teacher Collaboration; Team Teaching; Partnerships in Education; Teachers; Academic Achievement; High Schools; Accountability; Scoring Rubrics; Academic Discourse; Writing (Composition); Mathematics Instruction; Writing Instruction; Reading Instruction
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ849815
ERIC #: EJ807003
Title: Professional Learning Communities: Developing a School-Level Readiness Instrument
Authors: Williams, Ray; Brien, Ken; Sprague, Crista; Sullivan, Gerald
Publication Date: 2008-06-06
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
Journal Citation: n74 p1-17 Jun 2008
Publisher: Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2. Tel: 204-474-9004; Fax: 204-474-7564; e-mail: cjeapadm@cc.umanitoba.ca; Web site: http://www.umanitoba.ca/publications/cjeap
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ807003
Descriptors: Educational Change; Readiness; Community; Professional Development; Institutional Characteristics; Measurement Techniques; Problems; School Culture; Leadership; Instruction; Foreign Countries
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ807003
ERIC #: EJ908176
Title: The Professional Learning Community: A Fulcrum of Change
Authors: Hellner, John
Publication Date: 2008-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Journal Name: Kairaranga
Journal Citation: v9 n1 p50-54 2008
Publisher: New Zealand Ministry of Education. Available from: Massey University. Private Bag 11 222; Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand. Tel: +64-6-351-3396; Fax: +64-6-351-3472; email: kairaranga@massey.ac.nz; Web site: http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/learning/departments/school-curriculum-pedagogy/kairaranga/kairaranga_home.cfm
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ908176
Descriptors: Foreign Countries; Faculty Development; Learning Activities; Models; Interprofessional Relationship; Communities of Practice; Teacher Collaboration; Cooperative Learning; Adult Learning; Educational Change; Heuristics; Attitude Change
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ908176
ERIC #: EJ894800
Title: Curriculum, Coherence, and Collaboration: Building a Professional Learning Community among Instructors in Initial Teacher Education
Authors: Peskin, Joan; Katz, Steven; Lazare, Gerald
Publication Date: 2009-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Journal Name: Teaching Educational Psychology
Journal Citation: v5 n2 p23-38 Spr 2009
Publisher: Teaching Educational Psychology Special Interest Group (TEP/SIG). Educational Foundations Department, Millersville University, P.O. Box 1002, 1 South George Street, Millersville, PA 17551. e-mail: tep@millersville.edu; Web site: http://www.teachingeducpsych.org
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ894800
Descriptors: Preservice Teacher Education; Preservice Teachers; Student Teacher Attitudes; Educational Psychology; Teacher Educators; Questionnaires; Interviews
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ894800
ERIC #: EJ914926
Title: A Situative Perspective on Developing Writing Pedagogy in a Teacher Professional Learning Community
Authors: Pella, Shannon
Publication Date: 2011-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: Teacher Education Quarterly
Journal Citation: v38 n1 p107-125 Win 2011
Publisher: Caddo Gap Press. 3145 Geary Boulevard PMB 275, San Francisco, CA 94118. Tel: 415-666-3012; Fax: 415-666-3552; e-mail: caddogap@aol.com; Web site: http://www.caddogap.com
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ914926
Descriptors: Prior Learning; Faculty Development; Professional Development; Language Arts; Middle School Teachers; Models; Writing Instruction; Academic Achievement; Self Efficacy; Teaching (Occupation); Communities of Practice
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ914926
ERIC #: EJ842519
Title: Holding the Reins of the Professional Learning Community: Eight Themes from Research on Principals' Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities
Authors: Cranston, Jerome
Publication Date: 2009-02-09
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
Journal Citation: n90 p1-22 Feb 2009
Publisher: Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada. Tel: 204-474-9004; Fax: 204-474-7564; e-mail: cjeapadm@cc.umanitoba.ca; Web site: http://www.umanitoba.ca/publications/cjeap
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ842519
Descriptors: Foreign Countries; Faculty Development; Principals; Communities of Practice; Discourse Communities; Administrator Attitudes; Administrator Role; Interviews; Focus Groups; Psychological Characteristics
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ842519
ERIC #: EJ807417
Title: Professional Learning Communities, Leadership, and Student Learning
Authors: Thompson, Sue C.; Gregg, Larry; Niska, John M.
Publication Date: 2004-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: RMLE Online: Research in Middle Level Education
Journal Citation: v28 n1 p1-15 2004
Publisher: National Middle School Association. 4151 Executive Parkway Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081. Tel: 800-528-6672; Tel: 800-528-6672; Fax: 614-895-4750; e-mail: info@nmsa.org; Web site: http://www.nmsa.org/Publications/RMLEOnline/Articles/tabid/101/Default.aspx
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ807417
Descriptors: Middle Schools; Elementary Secondary Education; Professional Development; Leadership; Academic Achievement; Accountability; Constructivism (Learning); Suburban Schools
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ807417
ERIC #: EJ801113
Title: Improving Teacher Effectiveness through Structured Collaboration: A Case Study of a Professional Learning Community
Authors: Graham, Parry
Publication Date: 2007-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: RMLE Online: Research in Middle Level Education
Journal Citation: v31 n1 p1-17 2007
Publisher: National Middle School Association. 4151 Executive Parkway Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081. Tel: 800-528-6672; Tel: 800-528-6672; Fax: 614-895-4750; e-mail: info@nmsa.org; Web site: http://www.nmsa.org/Publications/RMLEOnline/Articles/tabid/101/Default.aspx
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ801113
Descriptors: Middle Schools; Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Improvement; Case Studies; Professional Development; Decision Making; Teaching Methods; Models; Mentors; Social Networks; Teacher Collaboration; Reflective Teaching; School Effectiveness; Surveys; Active Learning; Rhetoric; Outcomes of Education; Interviews
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ801113
ERIC #: EJ898190
Title: Impact of Professional Learning Community Participation on Teachers' Thinking about Classroom Problems
Authors: Padwad, Amol; Dixit, Krishna K.
Publication Date: 2008-12-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: TESL-EJ
Journal Citation: v12 n3 Dec 2008
Publisher: TESL-EJ. e-mail: editor@tesl-ej.org; Web site: http://tesl-ej.org
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ898190
Descriptors: Constructivism (Learning); Language Teachers; Professional Development; English (Second Language); Second Language Learning; Second Language Instruction; Teacher Attitudes; Foreign Countries; Professional Associations
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ898190
ERIC #: EJ896072
Title: Supervisor Transformation within a Professional Learning Community
Authors: Jacobs, Jennifer; Yendol-Hoppey, Diane
Publication Date: 2010-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: Teacher Education Quarterly
Journal Citation: v37 n2 p97-114 Spr 2010
Publisher: Caddo Gap Press. 3145 Geary Boulevard PMB 275, San Francisco, CA 94118. Tel: 415-666-3012; Fax: 415-666-3552; e-mail: caddogap@aol.com; Web site: http://www.caddogap.com
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ896072
Descriptors: Professional Development; Learning Activities; Interprofessional Relationship; Communities of Practice; Reflection; Supervisors; Field Experience Programs; Equal Education; Transformative Learning
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ896072
ERIC #: EJ837804
Title: Developing a Professional Learning Community among Urban School Principals
Authors: Hipp, Kristine Keifer; Weber, Paul
Publication Date: 2008-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Journal Name: Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research
Journal Citation: v4 p46-56 2008
Publisher: AERA SIG: Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research. Tel: 323-343-4393; Web site: http://aera-ultr.org
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ837804
Descriptors: Urban Schools; Grants; Instructional Leadership; Principals; Professional Development; Academic Achievement; Portfolios (Background Materials)
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ837804
ERIC #: EJ810651
Title: Critical and Transformative Practices in Professional Learning Communities
Authors: Servage, Laura
Publication Date: 2008-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: Teacher Education Quarterly
Journal Citation: v35 n1 p63-77 Win 2008
Publisher: Caddo Gap Press. 3145 Geary Boulevard PMB 275, San Francisco, CA 94118. Tel: 415-666-3012; Fax: 415-666-3552; e-mail: caddogap@aol.com; Web site: http://www.caddogap.com
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ810651
Descriptors: Learning Theories; Critical Theory; Interpersonal Communication; Transformative Learning; Professional Development; Learning Strategies; Community; Educational Environment; Teacher Collaboration; Educational Improvement; Foreign Countries; Models; Teacher Improvement
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ810651
ERIC #: EJ913876
Title: "The Teacher Education Conversation": A Network of Cooperating Teachers
Authors: Nielsen, Wendy S.; Triggs, Valerie; Clarke, Anthony; Collins, John
Publication Date: 2010-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Education
Journal Citation: v33 n4 p837-868 2010
Publisher: Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). 260 Dalhousie Street Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 7E4, Canada. Tel: 613-241-0018; Fax: 613-241-0019; e-mail: csse-scee@csse.ca; Web site: http://www.csse.ca/CJE/General.htm
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ913876
Descriptors: Foreign Countries; Cooperating Teachers; Teacher Educators; Communities of Practice; Preservice Teacher Education; Faculty Development; Systems Approach; Student Teaching
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ913876
ERIC #: EJ843992
Title: Who Is the "Professional" in a Professional Learning Community? An Exploration of Teacher Professionalism in Collaborative Professional Development Settings
Authors: Servage, Laura
Publication Date: 2009-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Education
Journal Citation: v32 n1 p149-171 2009
Publisher: Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). 260 Dalhousie Street Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 7E4, Canada. Tel: 613-241-0018; Fax: 613-241-0019; e-mail: csse-scee@csse.ca; Web site: http://www.csse.ca/CJE/General.htm
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ843992
Descriptors: Models; Faculty Development; Discourse Communities; Teaching (Occupation); Literature Reviews; Knowledge Base for Teaching; Teaching Methods; Critical Theory; Learning Activities; Teacher Role
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ843992
ERIC #: EJ775771
Title: Professional Learning Communities: A Bandwagon, an Idea Worth Considering, or Our Best Hope for High Levels of Learning?
Authors: DuFour, Richard
Publication Date: 2007-09-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Opinion Papers
Journal Name: Middle School Journal
Journal Citation: v39 n1 p4-8 Sep 2007
Publisher: National Middle School Association. 4151 Executive Parkway Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081. Tel: 800-528-6672; Tel: 800-528-6672; Fax: 614-895-4750; e-mail: info@nmsa.org; Web site: http://www.nmsa.org/Publications/MiddleSchoolJournal/tabid/435/Default.aspx
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ775771
Descriptors: Program Effectiveness; Educational Change; Faculty Development; Middle Schools; Educational Improvement; Formative Evaluation; Teacher Collaboration
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ775771
ERIC #: EJ849815
Title: Teachers Talking Together: The Power of Professional Community
Authors: Nathan, Linda
Publication Date: 2008-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Journal Name: Horace
Journal Citation: v24 n1 Spr 2008
Publisher: Coalition of Essential Schools. 1330 Broadway Suite 600, Oakland, CA 94612. Tel: 510-433-1451; Fax: 510-433-1455; Web site: http://www.essentialschools.org
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ849815
Descriptors: Community Schools; Faculty Development; Teacher Collaboration; Team Teaching; Partnerships in Education; Teachers; Academic Achievement; High Schools; Accountability; Scoring Rubrics; Academic Discourse; Writing (Composition); Mathematics Instruction; Writing Instruction; Reading Instruction
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ849815
ERIC #: EJ807003
Title: Professional Learning Communities: Developing a School-Level Readiness Instrument
Authors: Williams, Ray; Brien, Ken; Sprague, Crista; Sullivan, Gerald
Publication Date: 2008-06-06
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
Journal Citation: n74 p1-17 Jun 2008
Publisher: Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2. Tel: 204-474-9004; Fax: 204-474-7564; e-mail: cjeapadm@cc.umanitoba.ca; Web site: http://www.umanitoba.ca/publications/cjeap
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ807003
Descriptors: Educational Change; Readiness; Community; Professional Development; Institutional Characteristics; Measurement Techniques; Problems; School Culture; Leadership; Instruction; Foreign Countries
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ807003
ERIC #: EJ908176
Title: The Professional Learning Community: A Fulcrum of Change
Authors: Hellner, John
Publication Date: 2008-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Journal Name: Kairaranga
Journal Citation: v9 n1 p50-54 2008
Publisher: New Zealand Ministry of Education. Available from: Massey University. Private Bag 11 222; Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand. Tel: +64-6-351-3396; Fax: +64-6-351-3472; email: kairaranga@massey.ac.nz; Web site: http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/learning/departments/school-curriculum-pedagogy/kairaranga/kairaranga_home.cfm
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ908176
Descriptors: Foreign Countries; Faculty Development; Learning Activities; Models; Interprofessional Relationship; Communities of Practice; Teacher Collaboration; Cooperative Learning; Adult Learning; Educational Change; Heuristics; Attitude Change
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ908176
ERIC #: EJ894800
Title: Curriculum, Coherence, and Collaboration: Building a Professional Learning Community among Instructors in Initial Teacher Education
Authors: Peskin, Joan; Katz, Steven; Lazare, Gerald
Publication Date: 2009-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Journal Name: Teaching Educational Psychology
Journal Citation: v5 n2 p23-38 Spr 2009
Publisher: Teaching Educational Psychology Special Interest Group (TEP/SIG). Educational Foundations Department, Millersville University, P.O. Box 1002, 1 South George Street, Millersville, PA 17551. e-mail: tep@millersville.edu; Web site: http://www.teachingeducpsych.org
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ894800
Descriptors: Preservice Teacher Education; Preservice Teachers; Student Teacher Attitudes; Educational Psychology; Teacher Educators; Questionnaires; Interviews
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ894800
ERIC #: EJ914926
Title: A Situative Perspective on Developing Writing Pedagogy in a Teacher Professional Learning Community
Authors: Pella, Shannon
Publication Date: 2011-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: Teacher Education Quarterly
Journal Citation: v38 n1 p107-125 Win 2011
Publisher: Caddo Gap Press. 3145 Geary Boulevard PMB 275, San Francisco, CA 94118. Tel: 415-666-3012; Fax: 415-666-3552; e-mail: caddogap@aol.com; Web site: http://www.caddogap.com
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ914926
Descriptors: Prior Learning; Faculty Development; Professional Development; Language Arts; Middle School Teachers; Models; Writing Instruction; Academic Achievement; Self Efficacy; Teaching (Occupation); Communities of Practice
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ914926
ERIC #: EJ842519
Title: Holding the Reins of the Professional Learning Community: Eight Themes from Research on Principals' Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities
Authors: Cranston, Jerome
Publication Date: 2009-02-09
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
Journal Citation: n90 p1-22 Feb 2009
Publisher: Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada. Tel: 204-474-9004; Fax: 204-474-7564; e-mail: cjeapadm@cc.umanitoba.ca; Web site: http://www.umanitoba.ca/publications/cjeap
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ842519
Descriptors: Foreign Countries; Faculty Development; Principals; Communities of Practice; Discourse Communities; Administrator Attitudes; Administrator Role; Interviews; Focus Groups; Psychological Characteristics
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ842519
ERIC #: EJ807417
Title: Professional Learning Communities, Leadership, and Student Learning
Authors: Thompson, Sue C.; Gregg, Larry; Niska, John M.
Publication Date: 2004-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: RMLE Online: Research in Middle Level Education
Journal Citation: v28 n1 p1-15 2004
Publisher: National Middle School Association. 4151 Executive Parkway Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081. Tel: 800-528-6672; Tel: 800-528-6672; Fax: 614-895-4750; e-mail: info@nmsa.org; Web site: http://www.nmsa.org/Publications/RMLEOnline/Articles/tabid/101/Default.aspx
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ807417
Descriptors: Middle Schools; Elementary Secondary Education; Professional Development; Leadership; Academic Achievement; Accountability; Constructivism (Learning); Suburban Schools
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ807417
ERIC #: EJ801113
Title: Improving Teacher Effectiveness through Structured Collaboration: A Case Study of a Professional Learning Community
Authors: Graham, Parry
Publication Date: 2007-00-00
Pub Types: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Journal Name: RMLE Online: Research in Middle Level Education
Journal Citation: v31 n1 p1-17 2007
Publisher: National Middle School Association. 4151 Executive Parkway Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081. Tel: 800-528-6672; Tel: 800-528-6672; Fax: 614-895-4750; e-mail: info@nmsa.org; Web site: http://www.nmsa.org/Publications/RMLEOnline/Articles/tabid/101/Default.aspx
URL: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ801113
Descriptors: Middle Schools; Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Improvement; Case Studies; Professional Development; Decision Making; Teaching Methods; Models; Mentors; Social Networks; Teacher Collaboration; Reflective Teaching; School Effectiveness; Surveys; Active Learning; Rhetoric; Outcomes of Education; Interviews
ERIC Full-Text: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ801113
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